Endodontics Courses

Immediate & Long Term Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries

Topic: Dental Trauma

Learning Objectives:

At conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Conduct proper management of crown fractures, root fractures, concussions, subluxations, injuries, luxation injuries and avulsions.

  • Discuss the potentional use of corticosteroids in the management of traumatic injuries.

  • Identify how and when to do a Regeneration procedure on the immature necrotic pulp.

  • Identify how and when to do an Apexification procedure on the immature necrotic pulp.

  • Describe the pros and cons of Regeneration vs. Apexification

From simple crown fractures to complicated avulsions, this course reviews the management and treatment of all dental traumatic injuries. Furthermore, this lecture will present the long term management of traumatized teeth along with the treatment options for the necrotic immature pulp chambers. Regeneration procedures will be presented and compared to apexification procedures along with the pros and cons of each.

Revolution in Instrumentation & Management of Complications

Topic: Root Canal Irrigation, Disinfection & Instrumentation

Learning Objectives:

At conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Define the new metallurgy revolution in endodontics and the new files using the technology

  • List the benefits of this new metallurgy, what it offers and when to use it

  • Identify how to avoid and how to manage endodontic file separation.

  • Describe the techniques used by endodontists for separated file removal and the limitations of these techniques.

  • Identify how to avoid and how to repair a perforation

  • Identify how to avoid and how to manage a bleach irrigation accident

  • Identify hot to avoid and how to manage endodontic complications.

This course is intended for the clinicians who desire to prefect their knowledge in Endodontics. The recent revolution in NiTi metallurgy will be reviewd along with the pros and cons on the new instruments. Furthermore, endodontics treatment is a challenging procedure that involves potential complications. This course will discuss how to minimize and how to manage these complications

Embracing Endo Surgery: A Predictable Practice Pillar

Periradicular surgery has evolved into a precise, biologically based adjunct to nonsurgical root canal therapy. This lecture will cover the significant improvements that have been made in the development of new instruments, materials and techniques. Modern microsurgical protocols have shown excellent success rates in clinical studies. A recent study showed a distinct difference in outcome when modern microsurgical techniques were compared to the older traditional techniques in performing apical surgeries. This is mostly due to proper assessment and management of the root tip complex. Every astute dental clinician has to keep in mind that the decision to treat a tooth with apical microsurgery or to replace it with an implant must be based on factors other than treatment outcome since both options have shown similar healing results.

Learning Objectives:

At conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Define the indication for periradicular microsurgery.

  • Define the differences between traditional techniques and modern microsurgical techniques.

  • Describe the importance of new microsurgical instruments.

  • Describe the different flap designs and their indications.

  • Discuss several techniques for proper hemostatis

  • Perform proper root tip assessment.

  • Perform proper root tip management.

  • Explain how to achieve an ideal root-end cavity preparation

  • Define modern root-end filling materials that are available and how to place them.

  • List the different suture types and materials.

  • Perform proper suture designs.

  • Explain post-surgical healing and when grafting is indicated.

  • Perform proper post-surgical patient management.

Surgical Renaissance in an Implant Driven Era

Periradicular microsurgery has been a crucial asset for those practitioners that embraced it. In the early 2000s as the implant era was thriving, prosthodontists and periodontists favored dental implants over retreatment to replace non-healed endodontically treated teeth due to the unpredictable outcome of retreatment and traditional apical surgery. Since then there has been a steady shift in philosophy thanks to the “Renaissance Era of Microsurgical Endodontics”. This shift is taking place and it’s up to us as endodontists to seize this opportunity to make our specialty shine and keep us part of the overall patient treatment plans. Although dental implants remain a great option for replacement of the “missing” dentition, they should not always be the first option to replace the “existing” dentition. This lecture will go over outcomes of root canal retreatments, implants and microsurgery. We will also focus on how to maximize the predicability of current microsurgical endodontic protocols in your office.

    • At conclusion, participants will be able to differentiate the outcomes between implants, apical microsurgery & retreatments.

    • At conclusion, participants will be able to understand the long term issues with dental implants & retreatments.

    • Upon completion, participants will be able to obtain an ideal apical seal through predicable root-end management techniques.

Root Resorption Assessment & Treatment Options

Root resorption often leads to long term side effects on the pulp chamber and the periapical tissues. This course will go over the various types of root resorptions and explore the recent findings in its physiopathology as well as the options at hand. We will discuss various root resorptions with a focus on cervical root resorptions along with their clinical management and repair options.

  • Know the various types of root resorptions

  • Understand the physiopathology of root resorptions

  • Know how the treatment options of various types of resorptions

  • Understand the clinical management of various types of resorptions

Root Canal Complication Management

This course is intended for the clinicians who desire to prefect their knowledge in Endodontics. Endodontics treatment is a challenging procedure that involves potential complications. This course will discuss how to minimize and how to manage these complications.

Identify how to avoid and how to manage endodontic file separation

Describe the techniques used by endodontists for separated file removal and the limitations of these techniques

Identify how to avoid and how to repair a perforation

Identify how to avoid and how to manage a bleach irrigation accident

Identify hot to avoid and how to manage endodontic complications

Obturation: Root Canal Aesthetics

The obturation phase of a root canal is the final step of the treatment from which we judge the quality of our disinfection on the radiograph. Thus, the aesthetic part of our treatment comes out in this final step. This lecture covers the different sealers, obturation materials, instruments, machines and techniques. This course will go over the warm vertical and continuous wave obturation techniques, using sequential pictures and step-by-step tips.

At conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the importance of root canal disinfection prior to obturation.

  • Describe the goals of a root canal obturation.

  • Describe the different endodontic sealers.

  • Describe the different obturation materials.

  • Describe different root canal obturation techniques available and identify the pros and cons of each system.

  • Master the warm vertical and continuous wave obturation techniques.

  • Assess the tools needed to facilitate endodontic obturation.

  • Describe post-obturation coronal leakage, the use of intra-orifice plugs and the importance of a well sealing final restoration.